Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Has been quite a long time in entering anything in here - will be updating more regularly with coding issues.

 Since my last entry, I had been involved in writing a pretty extensive iOS 7 app for my job. This took about a year+, and I should have been writing all of my findings from that here as well, but - (whew) - that was a job. :)

This app was an XMPP-based communication app for hospital employees (nurses) to receive/interact/user alarms and alerts much more efficiently and smarter. It is now been taken over by another group, but was invaluable experience.

I had worked on iOS apps before - but not with this intensity or scrutiny to do right, and I learned a great deal more about Obj-C and the environment then I could before just on my own. Really grateful for that.

No reason going back and re-hashing my notes on that, so will just continue on what is coming up and what I work on, having a place to come back for notes.

This will include all of the Java 8 conversion that I have been working on, as well as updates to GlassFish (4), and AngularJS updates.

We are still using pre-release AngularJS for most of our stuff, but it still works great and gets the job done.

That will be changing, and will be converting/upgrading to the latest release (1.3) - totally stoked on that. And with all of the updates from Java 6 -> 8, many more on that as well.
