Wednesday, March 17, 2010

JDBC/JNDI Pooling with a JRuby/Rails app

In working on the transition of this rails app over to the JRuby/Glassfish camp, one of the things I needed to take advantage of was using jdbc/jndi database pooling and configurations.

Of course, using rails, the application was using ActiveRecord for it's DB/ORB interactions, and in researching, the steps needed to get this setup were:
  1. Create the JDBC connection pool
  2. Create the resource with a JNDI name
  3. Update the database.yml
  4. Configure ActiveRecord for disconnects
I also needed to download and put the postgresql jdbc driver in place ($domain/lib/ext/ - using the JDBC version 4 driver).

In looking at the jdbc templates included with Glassfish (glassfish/lib/install/templates/resources/jdbc), I attempted to use the template for my driver (postgresql_type4_datasource.xml). This was causing issues using the 'url' property, so ended up using asadmin to create, using serverName and databaseName as properties.

Starting up the asadmin interactive utility:

asadmin> create-jdbc-connection-pool
--datasourceclassname org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource
--restype javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
--property user=XXX:password=XXX:serverName=localhost:databaseName=extension_dev extensionDevPool

Command create-jdbc-connection-pool executed successfully.
asadmin> create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid extensionDevPool jndiExtensionDev

Command create-jdbc-resource executed successfully.
asadmin> list-jdbc-connection-pools

Command list-jdbc-connection-pools executed successfully.

asadmin> list-jdbc-resources

Command list-jdbc-resources executed successfully.

asadmin> ping-connection-pool extensionDevPool

Command ping-connection-pool executed successfully.
I created separate pools/resources for dev/test/production - which will be commented accordingly for now in the domain.xml file.

Next came setting up the database.yml file to use jndi instead of the regular ActiveRecord drivers. There are some excellent resources on the web for getting this done, but had to do some digging to get this correct.

One of the issues in setting this up correctly was, that especially during development and testing, we are using the jruby console (jruby -S script/console) to create and activate objects and events, which in turn looks at the database.yml file to get its connection.

This was hurting me because once set to use jndi, none of these settings were setup correctly and I would continue to get connection issues as well as the jms missing class issues.

So, to fix, in the database.yml file, we not only test for the RAILS_ENV to be java (or the JRUBY_VERSION to be set), but we needed to test to see if we were in a servlet context (ala Glassfish) as well as to use jndi based connections or regular connections.

So, our database.yml file ended up looking like:
defaults: &defaults
<% jdbc = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? 'jdbc' : '' %>
<% if defined?($servlet_context) %>
adapter: jdbc
driver: org.postgresql.Driver
<% else %>
adapter: <%= jdbc %>postgresql
<% end %>
username: xxx
password: xxx
host: localhost

<% if defined?($servlet_context) %>
jndi: jndiExtensionDev
<% end %>
database: extension_dev
<<: *defaults

<% if defined?($servlet_context) %>
jndi: jndiExtensionTest
<% end %>
database: extension_test
<<: *defaults

<% if defined?($servlet_context) %>
jndi: jndiExtensionProd
<% end %>
database: extension_prod
<<: *defaults

This enabled us to access the db in our app as well as run the console and connect correctly.

We now need to configure ActiveRecord to disconnect after every query - which was not needed before since we are now using JDBC to manage the connection persistence. (See resources below for links to some of the sites that were used to research all of this).
# config/initializers/close_connections.rb
if defined?($servlet_context)
require 'action_controller/dispatcher'

ActionController::Dispatcher.after_dispatch do
Some of the excellent resources I used:

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